My father and I purchased this beautifully wooded 40-acre piece which sits right down the road from Upper Red Lake in 2005. Not only did we see it as an investment, but also as a place to stay after a long day of chasing the famous Upper Red Lake Crappies. The 40 acres was raw land and has only been logged off. We started off using an old camper but soon found out how much we really enjoyed going up to the quietness of “the land” and have no intentions of selling this property. After years of cutting new trails and excavating the land, we started to dream about building a cabin. We spent a few years acquiring building materials hoping to one day build a cabin that would be comfortable and something our wives and children would want to come to. In July 2013 we broke ground and in August we poured the cement 24X40. The cement would lay until March 2015 when the cabin shell was built. The cabin shell (walls, roof, windows, siding, framing inside) was put up in 6 days! It wasn’t until April 2017 when we finally finished all the interior work. Lots of weekends spent away from our families as we would go up north and try to get as much done as possible and then come right back home and get back to our “normal jobs”. It has proved to be well worth it. Our family loves our weekends away to this secluded cabin hidden away from the busy world.